Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Day 5!

So lots of updates! I mailed my Massage License Application out on Monday. Hopefully in 2 weeks I will have my License! Yay. Time to apply for jobs!

So day 2 and 4 were pretty rough. My muscles were very sore and I wasn't giving them a break. The meal replacement shakes (MRS) are yummy. Then I started adding PEANUT BUTTER. Yes please. They are super delicious now. It's like having a milkshake for breakfast and dinner. Ive been eating nice and healthily. And busting my ass at the gym. We have been logging 1.5 hours a day at the gym.

Day 3 thankfully, Mark suggested we play tennis. Which totally gave me a break.

Day 5. TODAY. Had a phantom alarm wake me up for work, drove to work only to be there an hour early somehow. Yay 5a! Don't know how that happened. So I napped in my car. I left work early because I signed up for an Abs and Back class. I was the only person that showed which meant I got 1 on 1 time with the trainer. He helped me a ton! In fact I have another 1 on 1 meeting with him tomorrow to discuss a training schedule. Awesome!

Mark and I decided to try PB2 which is powdered peanut butter with very little fat. I bought chocolate PB2 and Mark got the regular. I just mixed it in with my MRS and it's amazing!!

I like to think Ive lost 1lb but I cant tell. Mark says he's lost 6. Jerk.

Anyways, tomorrow is cheat day but Im not gonna cheat too badly because Saturday is the Sherwood Festival. Yay Renn Faires!

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