Monday, April 2, 2012

I lost count, what day is it? Day 9?

 Man, I am slacking! It's been almost a week! Let us catch up!

Day 6-Thurs-Off day. But I went to the Gym anyways to meet up with Sam the Trainer again. He showed me exactly what machines to use, what setting and what weight. Then we set reps and filled out a paper that I get to fill in each time I work out! Sweet!

Before the gym I had suggested to Mark that we TRY ON SOME VIBRAMS. And he was like, ok! (Which means I am getting some awesome Vibram five finger toe shoes!! Hells yeah!) And one hour and 15 pairs of shoes later, we were $230 more in debt but have new workout and trekking shoes. (Come on! They were much needed! I was running in vans/skater shoes, my feet were all kinds of messed up from that...really...)

Mark got grumpy at me because I drank Hard Cider and Had a few sips of soda. I also had a big bowl of pho. But it's our off day! Apparently I was wrong, we are just off of working out...lame.

Day 7- Friday Went to the Gym and did the usual. Elliptical 40 minutes. Then assisted Pull-ups, those are my main focus. So I was told to do those first. Then the rest of my strength routine.

I noticed my blood sugar dropped really low while on the elliptical. I finished and immediately stole 2 mini tootsie rolls from the front counter. Maybe that's why they are there. I didn't tell Mark. I just got tested for diabetes and Im in the clear but I still find my blood sugar dropping sometimes. Maybe I should eat more fruit or have some applesauce before working out (I was having peanuts, raisins and a few chocolate chips before working out.)

Day 8- Well today was good and bad. I had a pretty traumatizing Sleep Paralysis attack. Ive had them since I was really little. I usually get maybe 1 a month but sometimes they leave me alone for a few months. Sometimes its a few a month. It had been about 2 months. Im always on my back and I always have trouble breathing (which sends me into a panic attack sometimes). But I was lucid dreaming (another one of my awesome sleep disorders, hypnopompia) that I was having a paralysis attack (INCEPTION! This has happened many times), of course my arm is just close enough to Mark's face when I have the attack that somehow I am able to wiggle my fingers, and I am literally stab his nose, cheeks and eyes with my flicking fingers and he isnt waking up. (Im still lucid dreaming, you can NOT move, even a little during an attack) So now Im upset and crying because he wont wake up and wake me up from the episode. Finally the paralysis breaks and I start making horrible whimpering sounds that quickly wake Mark up and he knows exactly what just happened. He wraps his arms around me and shushes me telling me Im ok and to breath. But it takes me a few hours to get past it.

Mark and I at Sherwood.

Anyways, then we go to the Sherwood Festival! Yay! Steak on a stick, kettlecorn, beef jerky, a few bites of a pickle and a few bites of funnel cake! Nom nom nom! 3 gatorades and 4 bottles of water later. I knew 10 minutes after we left that I needed sunscreen, I avoided the sun like the plague all day but it found me. I somehow got the worse sunburn out of everyone. Damn pale skin...So now I can hardly move my arms. Good thinking wearing a corset....sigh. Chills and feverish and fatigued, my favorites! Overall, alright day.

Day 9- Sunday: My blood sugar dropped again while on the elliptical. Really bad. I had 2 more tootsie rolls and was almost instantly better. I struggled alot with finishing my reps, even at 30lbs. 3 sets of 15 reps is killing me. But I got this. Im not straining anything so I know Im ok for now. Sunburn made every shoulder move a pain but I pushed through it. Cold shower incoming!! Plus my strength is improving! I am almost out of Chocolate PB2! It's so good, I think I might switch to regular Peanut Butter for a little to get my calories up. I am still feeling shitty.

Yay Fat Arms!
Goofy grin.
Back. Obviously.

Some of my soon to be before pictures, I guess technically any picture I take will be considered before. Im planning on putting more pictures into my blog. I enjoy looking at pictures in blogs.


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