Monday, April 2, 2012


I stick pretty closely to counting calories which isnt hard when Im only eating a few different things.

Breakfast(530a): Idealshape Meal Replacement Shake (1 scoop), PB2 Chocolate (2 scoops)
Snack(730a): Applesauce (Motts Strawberry Summer Harvest)
Mid Lunch(930a): Can of Soup (Progresso) or a sandwich on whole wheat
Lunch(between 11a-2p): Salad (Tuna salad: Tuna, mayo w/olive oil, whole wheat rotini, Italian salad: Italian dressing, cucumber, whole wheat rotini) or a sandwich or soup
Snack(1p-330p): Trail Mix- A spoon of chocolate chips, peanuts and raisins or Hard boiled Egg, Quinoa with Veggies (Corn and Peas, sometimes Lima beans)
Dinner(7p): Idealshape Meal Replacement Shake (1 scoop), PB2 Chocolate (2 scoops)
Snack: Pickles and Pickle Juice (Just because I like the juice, also vinegar is supposed aid in digestion and weight loss, or that might be apple cider vinegar)

Workout: 5 days a Week
40 minutes: On the Elliptical (To pass the boredom I watch an Episode of Criminal Minds, Because you can't only watch 30 minutes when they catch the bad guy in the last 10 min!)

50 minutes: Strength Training
Stomach Routine: Machine (Obliques), Ab slider thing, Planks and a few others (Everyday-ish)
Strength Routine: Bicep Curls, Shoulder Press, Triceps Dips, Abductor Machine, Pull Up Assist, Lat Pull Down and a few others (3x a Week, Sam says I should wait a day in between to give my muscles time to heal)

Sometimes I throw in Tennis, Rollerblading and other activities.

Calories Per Day: 1000-1400
Calories Burned: 400-600

And that's about it.

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