Monday, April 9, 2012


So I think it's pretty hilarious that many women think that by lifting weights they are going to bulk up. Seriously. It's true though. Lifting a single heavy weight will magically give a girl so much testosterone that she will literally become the Hulk overnight. Ok I can dream. I guess Ill just have to rely on heavy lifting, reps and dedication like everyone else. Sigh.
Ive been going to the gym 4-5 days a week and this is the beginning of week 3. I would like to believe that I have lost 6lbs putting me at 162.2lbs but I dont want to jump the gun just yet. Ill post my official weight on the "Official Weigh In Day" on Thursday! So I gotta bust my butt in the mean time.

I hit an amazing milestone today! I was able to lift 136lbs of my own body weight with 28lbs assisted. Maybe Ill get Mark to video tape me when I can actually do a pull up. I really really want to get a pull up bar for the house. Maybe Ill put some money aside for that.

Ive been collecting jars and decided this huge pickle jar was going to be my Tough Mudder savings. Mark and I get weekly allowances and this is where my spare change goes. The Tough Mudder will require $110 and the deadline is May 31st. Which means I gotta save faster!!

Tough Mudder Savings!
 My Vibrams have been treating me well. They are pretty amazing shoes. Hiking in them was so much fun. They have excellent grip.

I ordered more MRS from Idealshape. $160 for 4 tubs of shakes.  That's 2 chocolate for me and 2 vanilla for Mark. They are also coming with 2 bottles of their 'Pills'. The pills have some healthy vitamins and fat burning extras plus a small dose of caffeine. They were free, so we will give them a try! The shakes make sure I eat throughout the day. I dont snack like a binge-r anymore (Ok there was this ONE day...ok TWO days...) But hey Im a work in progress. Still delicious and I look forward to it for breakfast before work and after my workout around 7p.

I WANT to go to the gym. Like, my body expects it. And I like going. I honestly want to go and run for 30-40 minutes and try for pull-ups and lift weights. It's awesome and makes me happy.

Mark and I started (Well he's been doing it 3 days longer than me) this 5x5x5 Routine. A days you do 5 reps and 5 sets of Barbell Squats, Row and Press. B Day you do 5x5 Deadlift, Squat and Shoulder Press. We do it 3 days a week, usually Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Giving our bodies a break in between. We run Friday-Wednesday-ish. Somehow getting 2 days off, like Thursdays.
Side note: Been getting plenty of sleep (7-8 hours) with an occasional 5 hour night. Had a second sleep paralysis attack this week. Not as upsetting but frustrating none the less.

Anyways I am writing a TON. I should leave some to write another day. Hope everyone is doing well.


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