Monday, March 5, 2012

Still Sore!

Day 3:

I ate pretty well today!
Peanut butter and strawberry jam on 2 slices of whole wheat toast
Large piece of Salmon and Garlic Butter Rice
1 Slice Whole Wheat bread, slice of cheese, mustard, 2 slices of turkey
Dinner could have been better: Panda Express- Steamed White Rice, pepper chicken, honey walnut glazed shrimp

Drank Lots of Water Today!

Spent a good 20 minutes on the Veloway today. Bought some wrist guards. I'll have to invest in a helmet. 3 miles in 22 minutes going 8 mph! It was rough, alot of inclines and a few down small hills. Didn't fall. I still got it!

Then I gave Matt a 75 minute massage. I think the massage helped me more than it did Matt. I feel like I got a good workout and stretched some sore muscles.

I also cleaned a good portion of the living room, kitchen, bedroom and bathroom aka the entire apartment.

No BodyRock-ing today. Maybe tomorrow. I have 2 massages tomorrow and a few more this week. That's alot of calories!

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