Thursday, January 19, 2012

I got this!

Alright. I am going to lose the weight I put on after I injured my back in 2005, I was 135lbs in High School. I'd like to encourage and support my fellow classmates to join me! Come on class of 2004!

Start Weight- 170lbs (1/13)
Current Weight- 167.6lbs
Each week or so I will add a healthy habit. This week's healthy habit, drink 2 cups of Green Tea each morning and work on having a healthy breakfast (that's next weeks).

I would like to lose 1.8lbs a week, which I know will be very difficult in a few weeks when my body starts adjusting. Hopefully by June 1st I will be very close to 135lbs!

Hopefully I will update this every Friday with my current weight. Next week, will be interesting with all of the food I will be eating and my lack of internship. Wish me luck! I got this!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Well Ive said it once or a Hundred Times....

I will lose this weight. Once again I have slipped up to 170lbs. I constantly fill my stomach. I feel sick all the time. Why can't I just stop eating? Why do I let my emotions control my appetite? Starting tonight. No ice cream, no milkshakes, less sugar, less white bread, white rice, white sugar. More water. More veggies. More loving myself.

I don't want to be the big girl anymore. I want to look pretty next to Carol and Hope at Carol's wedding. I want to not be the fat girl of all my friends. I don't want my back to hurt. I don't want a huge chest, big is fine. I don't want fat arms and thick thighs. I don't want a bulging stomach. I want to fit into clothes sold everywhere. Not just the big girl stores.

I want to continue loving myself. Because I AM awesome. I can be healthy and happy.

I can do this. For me.