Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Can I be (Un)Realistic for a Minute?

I made goals today/yesterday. And I am going to do it. Yes, I know I have said that before. But I like to think that I mean it this time. Seriously.

I am doing this mostly for myself. Mostly to flaunt my features. Some to make certain someones jealous (I have a few vindictive bones, ONLY A FEW!) I want to prove to myself that I can do it. And I like the attention. Not gonna lie here, it's my damn blog. In all seriousness, my closest friends, those special few, know that I love  attention. Which is both good and bad. I'm trying to word this sentence without being as insensitive and shallow as I can be sometimes....Alright, next topic!

Current Weight: 161lbs
End of June Weight: 150lbs
Weight by Otakon: 140lbs
Weight by Sept 15th: 124lbs (This number is subject to change obviously if I feel amazing at 130 or 140)

Current: 30+%, A Guess? Borderline Obese?
Goal: 22% (Fitness Level)

Current: 44"
Goal: 36"

I am adding my BodyBuilding profile in the side bar with all the other ones. This one you don't need an account to access. I'll add it to my list of things to update weekly and such.

What I am going to do? Take pictures. Pictures Motivate me. And I am Narcissistic enough to LOVE staring at Myself. And why not?

I will follow 3 main Rules:
1. Eat Enough Calories to cause a Weight Loss (Approx. 1300/day). If I plan on eating shitty food I will run cardio that day to balance out the deficit. Since I loathe running this should motivate me some.

2. Eat 1g protein per 1lb of Lean Body Mass. 113lbs of Lean Body Mass = 113g of Protein

3. Lift Big- 3 days a Week. Which is going to get fun starting in June with 3 jobs.
Deadlift: Current- 136lbs   Goal: 226lbs
Bent Over Row: Current- 102lbs  Goal: 181lbs
Overhead Press: Current- 74lbs    Goal: 152lbs
Bench: Current- 125lbs    Goal: 203lbs
Squat: Current- 124lbs    Goal: 226lbs

I will also Sleep at least 7-8 hours day when possible. Make healthier food choices and keep being awesome. Sounds easy right?

Can't wait to see everyone in July!
<3 Cris

8lbs Down in 2 Months!

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